Sunday, March 19, 2006

An unforgettable kiss

A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to go to our annual church business meeting. I changed my clothes and brushed my teeth after dinner and was set to go out for the evening. I was about to give my wife a kiss goodbye when I decided to plant a real "memorable" one on her. With the kids giggling behind us, I pulled away and Robbin was laughing. She had just moments earlier put "teatree" oil on her lips and she asked how it tasted. Caught up in the moment, I said "it'll take a lot more than that to keep me away" and kissed her passionately once again. I skipped out the door, but by the time I put the key in the ignition the horrible aftertaste of teatree oil assaulted my mouth in full force. As I pulled out of the driveway, I hit the speed dial for home and when Robbin picked up I said into the cellphone, "Man, that teatree oil is potent stuff!!!". Robbin laughed, and I assured her that it was a small price to pay.

Now, that is just a silly little exchange between husband and wife, but don't underestimate the seemingly small stuff. I walked into the church, and while it was a fine, encouraging church business meeting, what do you really think my mind was on - my meeting or my mate?

Our lives are filled with the mundane day-to-day tasks - go to work, pick up the kids, help with homework, get supper, put kids to bed, etc. etc. Don't forget to break into the everyday routine with an exhilarating effort every once in a while. It doesn't have to be a big deal all the time, though that's nice too. Sometimes simplicity is sensational. I could have left with a simple kiss on the cheek, but those final moments of passion and fun flirting at the door with my wife had me on cloud nine for the whole evening. I couldn't wait to get back home and be with Robbin again, although I have to admit, I was hoping the teatree oil would wear off by then! Keep those homefires burning...

1 comment:

jay-man said...

Story's Like that make me look forward to the married life :)