Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This Week's Scripture and Quote

The scripture goes along with my previous post encouraging all of us to seek out Christ this Christmas season. The Quote is simple common sense. I failed to follow that sage advice once - but only once. Never again, boy was that messy...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Is God Getting Your Attention This Christmas?

I caught this thought on the radio the other day - I don't know what I was listening to, so I can't give proper credit but at least you know it is not completely original! It is however, well worth considering.

Think a moment about that evening in the pasture where the shepherd's were. Here they are doing their job with no knowledge that this seemingly ordinary night is about to change their lives. I imagine them sitting not far from the flock, leaning back against a rock. Eyes are getting heavy, some may be dozing. Suddenly, they are called to immediate attention - what is it? An angel. An angel. A cute little cherub with chubby cheeks and loin cloth fluttering about with a harp? Hardly. Not if the shepherds reaction is any clue. They were terrified! This was not what we so often picture when thinking of the angel's appearance. This was an impressive specimen, a heavenly creature that brought fear to the hearts of these men. The angel quickly allays their fear, but when God wants to get our attention about something - He can certainly make a great impression. You might say it is unforgettable.

That night Christ was not received with great fanfare in many respects. He was born to humble parents, away from home, in a dirty barn, surrounded by beasts created by his very voice. However, He is still God - the King of the universe and Lord of all, and someone was gonna hear about it and acknowledge it as such! Heaven made sure of that with the angelic announcement.

In the same way today, Christ is often regarded with little fanfare. However, He is still God - the King of the universe and Lord of all, and God still makes sure that is acknowledged. Has He gotten your attention lately? Have you seen the little signs? Have you been too busy to even notice a heavenly host? Be sure to take the time this Christmas season to allow God to reveal Himself to you. Then respond the way the shepherds did, seek Him out and worship. Seek Him, you will find Him. As with the shepherds, it will change your life!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Come on now, tell me what you really think!

She may be a very silly, beautiful, brilliant 3 year old with an irresistible impish grin, but my daughter sounded more like a child suffering from the onset of premature teenage angst this morning. In the spirit of Lindsay Lohan's "Confessions of a Broken Heart (daughter to father)", in which Lindsay truly heartbreakingly shares her hurt over their poor relationship, Karsyn sang me a song.
Karsy at her brothers b'day party.
Look at that smile - see what I mean!

Afterwards, she was very clear that if this was going to be made public, I had to be careful to do it exactly the way she did. So, here is Karsy's song as best I remember it - a truly original and unexpected composition:

I love my Daddy
for many years and many days,
I love my Daddy
for many years and many days,
I love my Daddy
for many years and many days
Sometimes he gets really mad!
I laughed - she wasn't too happy about that, but I quickly assured her that I loved it, praised her for her creativity, timing and pitch and then told Robbin. Funny thing is, for those of you who don't know me, I rarely get "really mad" - honest! But, I guess I have made an impression. Notice though what impression is greater... love. She sings about love 3 times as much as she sings about anger! Still though, don't you just love surprise endings!

Coming Soon to "The Hope of His Calling..."

Check back soon to see the invisible man in the post: "Mr. Nobody"... well, I guess you can't see him but you can at least read about him!!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

New Features on "The Hope of His Calling..."

Looky looky to your righty. I've added a scripture of the week and quote of the week. This weeks scripture, being the first, happens to be my first "favourite" verse. I now have many favourites, but this one became my first favourite verse during a particularly frightening thunder and lightening storm in which I was home alone at the age of 12.

The power went out while I was watching a hockey game between the Detroit Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs that I had taped the night before (I wasn't allowed to stay up in those days!). Reed Larson had one of the hardest shots in the league for the Wings, and I think that Glen Hanlon was in goal. There was a young kid the announcers were raving about named Steve Yzerman. For the leafs, the starting goalie was Ken Wregget, the blueline was anchored by Borje Salming, and P.E.I.'s Rick Vaive led the charge with a kid named Wendel Clark who hit everything in sight!

Anyway, back to the storm... yes, it was the middle of the afternoon but it was still scary! When the power went off and everything was grey, flashing and booming outside, I went to my room and opened my Bible. I went to the back and looked up "fear" under topics and one of the verses was the one I posted. It has stuck with me ever since...

As for the quote, I thought it went along well with my recent post on procrastination. Enjoy, don't be shy to comment, and check back frequently for updates!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Digging In: Thoughts on Spiritual Consumption

As promised, here is a post that was inspired by a sermon series I heard from Pastor and writer, Chuck Swindoll. He is one of my favourite preachers for both his conversational style and studied content, and I find I always glean something from his messages. This series was no different.

He spoke for several days on the importance of God's Word. Many things stood out to me, but the biggest impression I was left with was the need for all Christians to independently and intentionally study the scriptures for ourselves. Many of us I'm sure have and hopefully use some of the innumerable daily devotional publications that are out there - "Our Daily Bread", "My Upmost for His Highest", "Quest" (!!!), internet offerings, and more. These are great tools that augment our study of scripture, but they cannot be a replacement for looking at the actual Word of God for ourselves.

It is so easy and convenient to allow other believers, often great scholars with far more impressive credentials than our own, to do the study, the work, the chewing for us and then consume the pureed product set before us. Again, there is nothing wrong with these tools when used to assist us, But Rev. Swindoll implored all believers to dig in for themselves. Bite off a piece of succulent meat, the biblical kind, and chew it up for yourself. Enjoy a juicy mouthful allowing the flavours to titillate your tastebuds, then swallow and let the food digest as you gain every advantage the morsel has to offer. Let the vitamins and nutrients enrich your soul. Then, when you are ready, dig in for another bite.

Deut. 17:18,19 gives instruction for the king of Israel. These instructions are appropriate for us all:
Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom,
that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book,
from the one before the priests, the Levites.
And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life,
that he may learn to fear the Lord his God
and be careful to observe all the words of this law
and these statutes

I've been tagged!

I am currently engaged in a game of "cyber-tag". After ducking underneath the first swipe, then deftly spinning away from another attempt, David finally got me when he wasn't fooled by my head fake and quick juke to the left. He does have a significant reach advantage. Anyhow, he tagged me for some answers to these following questions:

1. What comes to mind/what is your heart's response when you think of or hear the word..."CALVARY"?
2. What would you like to have inscribed on your tombstone?
3. Which attribute of God do you find yourself revelling in the most?
You will find my answers here. Check out the rest of David Fisher's excellent blog "Pilgrim Scribblings..." for more answers to these questions and many other posts that are well worth the read.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Procrastination Assassination

Up until today, I went over a week and a half without posting anything new to my blog. I guess I fell victim to the dreaded "P" word. This is not an unfamiliar problem to most people - in a quick "google" of procrastination, most websites concur that up to 70% of people procrastinate while 25% of them are chronic procrastinators.

After the first couple of days with no new post I thought I had writer's block. Then I remembered one of my favourite authors (Ted Dekker) saying there is no such thing as "writer's block", that it is just something writers say when they don't write anything. Whether true or not, I thought of what else it could be. I thought, maybe there is nothing going on in my life. Well, that's not true - 2 jobs, 2 kids, 1 wife, the upcoming Christmas season - things are busy, there is a lot going on! Then I thought, maybe I've just been too busy. Well, there was that hockey game I found time to play, and the Grey Cup I found time to watch - surely there would be enough time to post something. Well, I guess that leaves one thing - plain old procrastination.

Uh oh - not good! Many of us do it, but it never produces positive results. Think about that the next time you put off any task. My wife is wonderful at this and I am learning much from her. She gets so much done just because when she thinks of it, she does it! In the same time it takes me to decide which task to tackle, Robbin tackles something, finishes it, then starts the next task before I even begin the first! Or, I tend to think of something, say to myself - "hey, that's a good idea I'll have to do that..." soon/tomorrow/ sometime/eventually - it is an undefined time frame, and undefined time frames are just asking for trouble. Plan what needs to be done, and put a due date on it. Make it realistic, but do it or it could slide out of your conscious awareness and just not get done. We all know that we shouldn't put off to tomorrow what can be done today, but that is so often the case. Let me encourage all of us to commit procrastination assassination and do the tasks set before us in a timely, responsible fashion - whether that be family responsibilities, job duties, other commitments, or... blogging!

Recent Family Pics

Two and half weeks ago, I posted Birthday greetings to my Mom, Lorraine (left), and her twin sister, my Aunt Linda (right). Here they are together (as usual) at a family baby shower. Click on the links to view the original birthday messages.

Here is a picture of my Dad (left) and my Uncle Eddie (right). No, they aren't twins!

Coming soon to "The Hope of His Calling..."

Watch for this coming post: "Digging In -Thoughts on our Spiritual Consumption as inspired by Chuck Swindoll"

...Eat Fresh

Ever bite into something expecting a nice, crisp, crunchy burst of flavour only to get a soft, mushy, tasteless mouthful instead? I Dawson and the aroma of Nanny's fresh homemade bread
have. It leaves much to be desired. Instead of a fresh tastey morsel, you get a face-twisting, slow chewing, uncooperative swallow of something barely worthy of the description "food". For this reason, I am drawn back to my blog.

I have allowed it to sit out here exposed to the elements of cyberspace unchanged for the past week and a half. So, in the words of my blogging mentor David Fisher, it is getting stale, old. I know when I go to my favourite sites, I look forward to new thoughts, new stories, new posts - some fresh food to chew on!

It is time for something fresh. So, what have I to add? What witty comment, catchy phrase, intellectual quote, revealing anecdote, or fresh insight can I share with you today? Well - I'm not sure there is anything to be honest. However, if not for your benefit then at least for my own, I am writing something. Check back soon for another thought on what we consume that I heard recently from Chuck Swindoll. Until then, to steal the advertising jingle from my former employer, "...eat fresh".

Friday, November 18, 2005

Bad Humour

Short jokes, long jokes, corny jokes, knock-knock jokes - there are many things that make us laugh, and not all are jokes, but I love all kinds of jokes. I am not a joke teller myself, but I am a comedian's best friend because I love to laugh! The greatest "joke" tellers I've met are my uncle - Ed Doiron, and my former Pastor and family friend - Bob Gallant. The funniest people I know are my brother -Scott, my good friend - Brian Lachine, and my mentor - Kirk Goodman. Anytime I spend with any of these people, I am usually doubled over with laughter. But when it is my turn to be funny, I rarely get the laughs I hope for!

The other day, I was trying to be funny but in a really unfunny way. I was being sarcastic. A good friend of mine, Ray Jones, says that sarcasm is the lowest form of humour - and, next to sexual jokes, I would have to agree. Unfortunately, it is the form that many of us resort to because it is so easy to poke fun at others expense. I did this recently while visiting a friend. I noticed a picture on a shelf of him and his bride on the day of their wedding. They were sitting in the limo, about to be whisked away to their romantic honeymoon. I not-so-wittily remarked, "look at her face, she's thinking, 'oh no, what have I done!'". My friend laughed politely and I smiled to myself thinking, "how clever am I!". However, I was immediately pricked in my spirit. "Marriage is to be honored by all..." Heb.13:4. I quickly apologized and he assured me no harm was done.

It made me think though. We need to be making every effort to encourage, lift up, and support everyone we interact with. Again from Hebrews, "Let us encourage one another..." (10:25). My good friend has a great post called, "Body Language" that exhorts us to do this. Please visit David Fisher's Blog to read it! In the meantime, lets not resort to sarcasm and potshots to get a laugh. It only makes for hurt feelings, sour relationships, a poor reputation, and bad humour.

How Excited Are You?

No, It's not quite like this - not yet!

More like this - look closely and you'll see the tiny flakes!

I love winter. Call me crazy, but I do. I know there is shovelling, treacherous driving, bitter cold, and wrestling with kids over snowsuits, hats, and mittens. But there is also hockey, outdoor rinks, hot chocolate, tobogganing, Christmas, natural beauty, did I mention hockey, and last - but certainly not least - snuggling with your honey to save on the heating bills!!! I really do love winter. The other great thing about winter is the pure, unbridled joy that kids (and some adults) have for that first snowfall especially.

Our first snowfall this year in Peterborough was the other day. Dawson was at school, but Karsyn and I had our noses pressed to the window. Watching the first tiny snowflakes fall in wide-eyed wonderment, Karsyn whispered "I'm excited about the big ones!".

She recognized these tiny flakes as just a glimpse of what was to come. It was the first true sign of winter and she knew what she had to look forward to. In those moments of gazing at the little flakes, she was anticipating the big stuff - huge snowflakes, big drifts, snowmen, the outdoor rink, snow forts, sledding, playing in the snow with Nanna, and the hot chocolate to warm up. Exciting stuff!!!

So how excited are you? No, not about winter. I forgive you if you don't share our joy for the cold season, but how excited are you about what is to come? Read the last part of 1Cor. 15 and try not to get excited. 1Peter 1:3,4 says "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven for you". I can't wait to claim that inheritance!

Karsyn didn't have to wait long for the "big ones". They came later in the afternoon, much to my surprise, and we still have snow on the ground a couple of days later. As much as I love the season, there is practical stuff to take care of. I need to get the snow tires on, put the scraper and brush in the car, have the shovels and salt accessible - I need to get ready. We don't know how long we have before our time is up here and eternity begins - are you ready for it? Have you made sure that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord and Saviour? Ask Him to be that for you now.

We get many glimpses of what awaits us in our "homeland". Scripture repeatedly reminds us that this is not our home - our hope, our true home, is in heaven. The "tiny flakes" that give us just a foretaste of glory divine should whet our appetite for the "big ones" that are to come. Some of these little flakes are the beauty that surrounds us, the joy in relationships, the rewards of following Christ, the sustenance of Truth, and the sweetness of God's presence. All are just a glimpse, a snippet, a tiny foretaste. They will be multiplied exponentially in eternity. All I can say is - WOO HOO!!! So, how excited are you?

Mystery Solved Hockey Fans!!!

This post is for my buddies in my hockey pool. I sent them a "teaser" to entice them to check out my blog. We all wondered why the New Jersey Devils were wearing a "JM" patch on their Jerseys this year. Here is the info guys, taken from the New Jersey Devils Website - http://www.newjerseydevils.com Be sure to check out my other posts while you're here - comments are welcome!

East Rutherford, NJ – In memory of the late Dr. John J. McMullen, the New Jersey Devils this season will wear a special “JM” patch on the upper right-hand chest area of their jerseys, beginning with the October 5 season opener vs. the Pittsburgh Penguins. The announcement was made by Devils’ CEO/President/General Manager Lou Lamoriello.
Dr. McMullen passed away Friday, September 16, 2005. He brought the National Hockey League to New Jersey on May 27, 1982, by purchasing the Colorado Rockies, and transferring the franchise to the Meadowlands. Dr. McMullen owned the team until 2000.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Another Happy Birthday

Not everyone will remember their Aunt's birthday. I have 2 good reasons too. First, she is my Mom's twin so it's

My Beautiful Aunt - Linda Doiron

easy! The other reason though is that she really is just like another Mother to me. In a world where so many kids grow up in disfunctional homes and are not sure if they are even loved, I grew up with a "built in" 2nd mom who loves me and affirms me and I'm so thankful for that. Because my mom and her twin are so close, our families were close and my cousins were best friends and my aunt and uncle were another set of wonderful parents! Thank you Aunt Linda - happy Birthday,

Love Brod

Have Some Cake!

Happy Birthday Nanny! Posted by Picasa

Karsyn wanted to make you a birthday cake so here it is, complete with a soft, muddy middle inside of coarse sand topped with maple leafs for candles. Wish you were here to taste it... or at least see it!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Birthday To You!

To my wonderful mother - who not only carried me in her womb, successfully delivered me despite my unusually large head, nursed me, changed
My Beautiful Mom - Lorraine MacLeod

me, washed me, clothed me, and just outright loved me profusely - but also taught me. Now, my mother may not think she is overflowing with academic knowledge, but what cannot be disputed is that she, along with my Dad, taught me the most important lessons of life.

My mother taught me about God. And she taught me that our whole lives flow out of what we know and believe of God. Through this she taught me mercy, compassion, empathy. She never used those words with me, but she taught it when she cradled me in her arms as we were driven to the hospital. On the way to tend to my burns that had me screaming in agony, all that silenced me was my mom singing and praying while rocking me. She taught it again when she spent literally hours in the driveway listening to a friend's problems and praying with her. She showed it everyday when I opened my lunch at school to find my "note". Everyday

She taught me that God is sovereign. She never used that word with me, but she taught me when she turned to God in prayer for every problem, big and small. She taught me when she admitted that she didn't know why our friend died, but refused to doubt God. She showed me while kneeling in the living room where soft muffled sobs emanated from the recliner's cushion as she prayed for her family, as she prayed for me. She invited me into this "prayer closet" one night. I don't remember what we prayed, but I remember that we did.

She taught me to have fun when she "played catch" with the dish cloth as I helped her clean the kitchen. She showed it again when she tried to "rap" for me and my sister after she first yelled about someone putting a hole in the bag of apples. When Jill and I laughed and said it sounded like she was "rapping" she proceeded to lay down a "phat beat" and rapped, "who put the hole in the apple bag". Eminem would've been impressed (Not that I listen to Eminem, Mom).

Oh yeah, she also taught the importance of high standards, moral values, honesty and integrity (Okay, I have listened to him Mom, but not on a regular basis! - "Brodie, stop emulating a rock star"!!!) She modeled honesty and integrity by laying down the rules of the house and obeying them herself. I know she is not perfect, but she is never a hypocrite in my eyes. My Mom has high standards, but they are standards she holds herself to and standards that were meant only for our benefit. Thank you Mom, for teaching those values. Boy, I haven't even gotten to the music, the food, the family-togetherness, the sensitivity... I gotta save some for mother's day! If you haven't gotten the idea yet, my Mom is the best!

Happy Birthday Mother!!! It is with great pride that I publish this post on the world wide web to honour my Mother for all to see. I ask that God's blessings abound in your life today. I hope you like the earrings - they cannot compare with the wonderful gifts you've given to me...

Love Brodie

In Flanders Fields

Wait, don't skip over this! I know you know this poem, but take the time to read it again. One of my favourites since I first learned it as a young boy at school, take a moment to remember the sacrifice...

In Flanders Fields By Major John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Visit the following link for some background information on the man, the meaning, and the circumstances behind this poem - http://www.greatwar.nl/

What does war look like?

That is the question my son asked as we watched the news on TV the other day. They were doing a piece on the upcoming Remembrance Day (today) ceremonies. Old black and white footage was shown from both world wars. I told him that is what it looked like, though we could never imagine what it must truly be like. He, like many young boys, is fascinated with war, soldiers, and army stuff. I proudly tell him about Canada's role in both World Wars and in peace keeping efforts. I tell about our reputation for bravery, loyalty, sacrifice, and success. I tell the stories of Vimy Ridge and Normandy, censored for a 6 year old, but not censored too much...

I also tell him what little I know of my grandfather's service in World War II. Like many veterans, I understand it was not a topic that was discussed in detail as my father grew up. But I can tell my son that his Great-Grandfather served in the war, fought for freedom, was wounded and "played dead" so as to avoid being captured by enemy soldiers marching through.

Dawson sits there with eyes wide and mouth open as I tell the story of Sergeant Lloyd Allison MacLeod of the Cape Breton Highlanders, wounded in Italy. We all want to have heroes. Today we can be thankful for the many heroes our country has as we remember those who served to preserve our freedom and the freedom of others.

Please leave a comment and add the name of a friend or family member who served their country.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Perfect Leaf...

No, I'm not talking about Sundin or Lindros. If I were talking about the Toronto Maple Leafs, I would be referring to Wendel Clark or Doug Gilmour. But this is not about those "leafs" at all. The perfect leaf was found this afternoon. In fact, several were found. I was in the backyard with Karsyn and she decided it was "tea-time". She brought out her little plastic tea pot, filled it with water and then went on a search for the "perfect" golden leaf. She found it, exclaimed "It's Perfect!", placed it in the tea pot and said, "okay, now we need another perfect leaf - a red one!". This continued and we collected many more leaves.

God collects leaves too. We are His leaves. He has called us by name and claimed us for His own. When we respond to His calling we are sanctified, made perfect by the work of Christ on the cross. And He is always looking for more to "perfect". Have you responded to His call? "The Lord is... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2Peter 3:9

Monday, November 07, 2005

Dawson MacLeod, Hockey Player

Our 6 year old son is now in his second year of hockey. He has incredible fun with it and loves to be on the ice as much as possible. After starting last year as a "Mite" (3-5 year olds) he is now in the "tyke" division (6-7). He has 3 goals after 6 games so far this season, and also picked up a real pretty assist on a nice "spin-arama" move last game. For those who are interested, here are the two articles that I wrote during last season - A father can brag, right?!!!!!

Mid-Season Report: An Update on Hockey's Latest Phenom - Dawson MacLeod

At 3 feet, 8 inches tall some may question this talented hockey player's size. That is until they realize that the player in question is 5 years old! With a hockey sense that belies his age, Dawson is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with in the Peterborough Community Church Hockey League. Playing for the All Saints Mites, Dawson has recorded 13 goals and numerous assists in the opening 10 games of his first season of organized hockey. He plays a well rounded game - adding to his offence by often being the first player back in the defensive end. A true asset to his team, and a true team player, Dawson can't get enough of hockey. Citing Team Canada as his favourite team and Wayne Gretzky as his favourite player, we may well see MacLeod suiting up for his country just like the Great One. When asked what he likes best about hockey, Dawson says - "I just like to play!"

2004\2005 Mid-Season Totals10 Games played 13 Goals Numerous assists

End of Season Report: Hockey Prodidgy Dawson MacLeod Excels in First Season

This pint-sized powerhouse followed up a strong first half with a breakthrough second half in the 04/05 season in which he averaged 3.13 goals per game. He netted 25 goals, had 6 hat-tricks, two 4 goal games, and one 5 goal game. Putting up those Gretzky-like numbers was no fluke. This 5 year old speedster simply cannot be caught when he gets a step on the opposition, scoring many of his second-half goals on breakaways. He is also a fierce competitor, asking to be double-shifted every game. MacLeod is a vital member to his team, and has the hardware to prove it! At seasons end, he took home a "PCCHL Mite Tournament Participant" trophy, an "All-Saints Mite" team medal, and the "Esso Most Dedicated Player" medal as voted on by the team. He also received as many votes for the "All-Saints Rector's Trophy" awarded to a player making a significant contribution to the team. A fitting finish to a fine season! Here's to an endless summer, and an early fall!!! You are sure to hear more from this rising hockey star.

2004\2005 Season Totals18 Games Played 38 Goals Numerous Assists

True Beauty...

Today I had the pleasure of enjoying lunch with my 3 year old daughter. Somewhere along the conversation, I said just out of the blue, "Karsy, you are so beautiful.". She replied, "Oh Daddy, you always say that.". I laughed then asked her if she wanted me to stop telling her that she is beautiful. She thought for a moment, then with furrowed brow answered, "No, you can tell me I'm beautiful on Mondays and Fridays". I will... but I'll keep telling her every single other day as well!

Remember that whether we want him to or not, God sees us as valuable and beautiful in His eyes.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Putting Air in your Tires

I am not much of a cyclist. However, a bit out of necessity and a bit out of a need to exercise, I do bike to work on a regular basis. It is about a 20 minute ride and there are a couple of steeeeeeep hills en route. When I began in the spring I probably felt the way most 30-somethings carrying a few extra pounds would feel. I was sore, tired, and out of breath. As the time went on, I found myself getting there quicker and feeling slightly better. Soon, it became really no big deal at all. When I pushed, I could cut the time to 15 minutes. (my personal best, 12 minutes, was the night my parents arrived from PEI - I was anxious for those hugs!)

A while ago, sometime in late summer, I noticed my time wasn't as good and my body was feeling it more. I dismissed it quickly as just a bad run - not enough sleep lately or something. But it continued. I never thought much of it, just made a quick mental note of it each ride almost subconsciously. I knew it was not the same as before, but I didn't do anything about it. I just carried on as always. I kept peddling, I kept on changing gears, I took the same route, I did the same things as before, but it was different. Nevertheless, I did not do a thing about it.

Finally the other day I took the time to put some air in my tires. What a difference!!! I seemed to just breeze down my street out of the driveway, then the first hill was conquered with ease. I was feeling like Lance Armstrong! Well, maybe not quite - but you get the idea.

I share all of this simply to share the thought that popped into my mind during my ride. So often we struggle through our faith wondering why we seem to be "down" - or as brother Garfield would say, unable to "shout the victory". Despite the Bible's warnings, many believers seem to be "weary in well doing". Just like me pushing the pedals on my bike, we keep doing the same things, we keep on going to church, being involved in small groups, teaching Sunday School, and even doing daily devotions, but there is a flatness to it all. Somewhere along the way we notice a difference from the way it was before. Maybe it is even just subconsciously, thinking, "this is just not the same vibrant faith I used to enjoy". The problem is, just as my bike tire was missing some air, we are far to often missing the key element to a victorious Christian life - the Holy Spirit! "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." Eph.5:18 The Spirit is the source of our joy and hope and strength in our Christian faith. The greek language communicates a continual filling, something that needs to be attended to. "Keep on being filled..." is accurate. The disciples of the first century recognized the importance of this. "And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit." Acts 13:52.

So do not be discouraged when your faith is feeling "flat". Just be sure to inflate it with God's Holy Spirit in your life. Invite Him to fill you, lead you, teach you, comfort you, and build character in you as you exhibit the fruit of that infilling - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control along with the many gifts. I guess, as the saying goes, that is where the rubber meets the road!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Playing in the Shadow...

This morning I enjoyed a pleasant walk with my 3 year old daughter, Karsyn. It was a beautiful morning - crisp, clear, cool, bright, big, blue. I was struck with the blueness of the sky and pointed this out to Karsy saying, "look at the blue sky - no clouds this morning". She replied by pointing out the smallest wisp of cloud, barely noticeable without the aide of a telescope. As we continued, she began to play with our shadows - her little one running in and out of mine, which engulfed hers.

When she noticed that her's was completely hidden in mine, she began to walk at just the right angle to stay inside of mine and out of view. "Look Daddy, my shadow disappeared". I smiled, nodded and immediately thought of Ps.91:1 "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty". I then came across Ps.17:7,8 "Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. You save with your strength those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings."

I know my daughter feels secure, safe and protected while she is with me. She often seeks me out when she is afraid, or when she needs comforting, or sometimes just to cuddle because she wants to be with me. Do we do that with our Heavenly Father? We can... We must live there to find shelter there. We must seek him to find refuge and safety.

One last thing I noticed. While my daughter walked beside me, hiding her shadow in mine, anyone who looked at just the shadow would think there was only one person walking. Likewise, we are completely hidden in Christ. Oh that people would look at my walk and see Christ while I continue to traverse here... In the shadowlands.