Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Come on now, tell me what you really think!

She may be a very silly, beautiful, brilliant 3 year old with an irresistible impish grin, but my daughter sounded more like a child suffering from the onset of premature teenage angst this morning. In the spirit of Lindsay Lohan's "Confessions of a Broken Heart (daughter to father)", in which Lindsay truly heartbreakingly shares her hurt over their poor relationship, Karsyn sang me a song.
Karsy at her brothers b'day party.
Look at that smile - see what I mean!

Afterwards, she was very clear that if this was going to be made public, I had to be careful to do it exactly the way she did. So, here is Karsy's song as best I remember it - a truly original and unexpected composition:

I love my Daddy
for many years and many days,
I love my Daddy
for many years and many days,
I love my Daddy
for many years and many days
Sometimes he gets really mad!
I laughed - she wasn't too happy about that, but I quickly assured her that I loved it, praised her for her creativity, timing and pitch and then told Robbin. Funny thing is, for those of you who don't know me, I rarely get "really mad" - honest! But, I guess I have made an impression. Notice though what impression is greater... love. She sings about love 3 times as much as she sings about anger! Still though, don't you just love surprise endings!


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think Karsyn got her creativity in songwriting from her aunt Jill! Remind her of the song I made up for her walking through the mall and parking lots:

"I love my Karsy, Karsy loves me. And we'll be friends, for eternity. I love my Karsy, Karsy loves me, and in a pod, two peas we'll be!"

She's just the best little child. Tell her I love her and miss her.


Anonymous said...


Any cute things happen with Daws lately?

Brodie said...

Hey Jill - I know I don't put a lot up on Dawson. Fact is - I hardly see him. With work sched. it's tough. I spend almost everyday with Kars. However, I'll have to go into the vault for some classic Dawson moments. I'll have to think hard, you know me and my memory!

Anonymous said...

Ok, Since Brodie's hard up on the Dawson moments, I'll give a couple. When Dawson first started talking around the age of one and a half (approx), I was went to Ontario for Christmas (I live in PEI). He was the cutest little baby and I was so in love with him (I still am). Somehow or other, he picked up saying "I" or "eye" or "aye" for "yes". We'd say, "Dawsy, are you hungry?" and he'd say "aye". It was the cutest thing' Scottish blood runs deep. I have great faith in ye, clan MacLeod.

Another time, when Dawson was about 3 years old, I went with Dawson to show him off to some friends. At that point in time, he used hard "g" sounds for "j's". So I was "aunt Gill", etc. He also used "y" sounds for "l's" so that he'd say "yove" for "love". He was so adorable.

So we're at my friend's house, and Dawson was the centre of attention, dancing, singing, playing the guitar with me, hoopin', and hollerin'. WHen all of a sudden, he looks at my friend John and says: "Gohn, have you seen my yeg?" and pulls up his pant leg to show John the faintist of scratches! He had the whole room laughing at him and he was just so handsome. My friends still call John, "Gohn", and say "I yove you" for "I love you".

Have you got any early years pics of Dawson, Brodie?

I sure miss those little kitty kats. Wish I were closer.