Monday, December 12, 2005

Is God Getting Your Attention This Christmas?

I caught this thought on the radio the other day - I don't know what I was listening to, so I can't give proper credit but at least you know it is not completely original! It is however, well worth considering.

Think a moment about that evening in the pasture where the shepherd's were. Here they are doing their job with no knowledge that this seemingly ordinary night is about to change their lives. I imagine them sitting not far from the flock, leaning back against a rock. Eyes are getting heavy, some may be dozing. Suddenly, they are called to immediate attention - what is it? An angel. An angel. A cute little cherub with chubby cheeks and loin cloth fluttering about with a harp? Hardly. Not if the shepherds reaction is any clue. They were terrified! This was not what we so often picture when thinking of the angel's appearance. This was an impressive specimen, a heavenly creature that brought fear to the hearts of these men. The angel quickly allays their fear, but when God wants to get our attention about something - He can certainly make a great impression. You might say it is unforgettable.

That night Christ was not received with great fanfare in many respects. He was born to humble parents, away from home, in a dirty barn, surrounded by beasts created by his very voice. However, He is still God - the King of the universe and Lord of all, and someone was gonna hear about it and acknowledge it as such! Heaven made sure of that with the angelic announcement.

In the same way today, Christ is often regarded with little fanfare. However, He is still God - the King of the universe and Lord of all, and God still makes sure that is acknowledged. Has He gotten your attention lately? Have you seen the little signs? Have you been too busy to even notice a heavenly host? Be sure to take the time this Christmas season to allow God to reveal Himself to you. Then respond the way the shepherds did, seek Him out and worship. Seek Him, you will find Him. As with the shepherds, it will change your life!


David Warren Fisher said...

Brodie, my friend:
Excellent word, my young Timothy! Well thought out, well written. Keep up the great work! Glad to be your friend.


Brodie said...

Thanks Chris - both for your encouragement in this, and for your proofreading! I made the correction. I really do appreciate your comments - it's nice to know that people are reading these.

Anonymous said...

Love that sermonette. Yes, to do what the shepherd's did, seek him and worship him. Praise the Lord.