Sunday, July 09, 2006

What Will it Matter 92 Years From Now?

Note: This post was originally saved as a "draft" on May 19th, and just re-discovered today. I have done basic editing, but this is the essence of the original draft.

Like most law-abiding Canadians, I recently filed our 2006 Canadian Census. It was quite a painless process - no big deal, just a few questions to answer and away we go. One question stood out though. It asked if we would give permission for Statistics Canada to make public these confidential files in 92 years. There were 2 circles: "Yes" or "No". I wondered who would put an X in the "No" circle. After all, what will these not-too-personal queries matter to me in 92 years?

When people make a big deal out of something that my Dad feels is unimportant, he has a habit of saying "What will it matter a hundred years from now?". In other words - it doesn't make any difference, really. I couldn't help but feel the same way about my personal census information being released in 92 years. I certainly don't plan on being around to care about it - I hope the Lord takes me either dead or alive by then!However, between now and then, what DOES matter?

I have had some pressure lately by a certain well-meaning mentor, relatives, and friends regarding my outdated blog. One anonymous comment suggested that I was too wrapped up in the Stanley Cup Playoffs to post anything new. While that may be part of it, truth is we recently had the pleasure of hosting my folks for almost 3 weeks, and I guess I just got out of the habit. Excuses aside, I do find myself in a very busy period of life right now. So, the question is begged, what really is important? What really matters? What deserves my attention? What can I give my time, effort, money, and energy towards that will have a lasting effect, that really WILL matter 92 years from now?

Now, I know I am no different than most people. Everyone is busy these days. For me, 2 part time jobs and a young family cause me to constantly answer that question. There are many times that I need to adjust my time-spending habits. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have hobbies, recreational time, down time. We need those, but we need to be careful we are in control of them and they don't control us. For me, I can easily lose myself in sports (in any form) and television. I am a hockey nut and I have a few favourite TV shows, but who will care who won the 2006 Stanley Cup or Memorial Cup 92 years from now? Will I really be concerned about missing the season finale of "24" or seeing if Taylor can get more votes then Katherine in 92 years? I think not.

What will really matter in 92 years are the things that will last. It will matter that I worked my jobs with integrity and effort. It will matter that I treated people well. It will matter that I was a faithful, reliable, and loving husband. It will matter that I was a loving, patient, and involved father. It will matter that I followed my calling to teach God's Word. It will matter that I lived my life on this earth to His Glory.
"He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8
That is what will REALLY matter in 92 years.


Anonymous said...

When I Xed the YES I thought "what will it matter 100 years from now".

We all have to separate the important from the unimportant.

David Warren Fisher said...

Ouch! The floor hurts! I can't believe it! You posted something! I'm shocked! Hallelujah! My belief in miracles has been restored. Guess everyone can't file a dozen posts in a week but then again, I have nothing else to do.

Love ya, friend!

Big Fish

Anonymous said...

hmmm, what about the jillster? weren't you hosting me too? ;)

as an add on, my fav verse "what would it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul"...very in keeping

love me.

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