Tuesday, February 06, 2007

5 Year Old Theologian

We are all "Theologians". Oh sure, it sounds like heady stuff, but really theology is "the study of God". We all have our thoughts on the subject. However, some think a little deeper than others. I remember doing a paper during my studies for my theology degree that I found interesting, but never thought I would be discussing with my 5 year old! My paper was on "The Tension Between the Imminence and Transcendence of God". It explored how the One, True, Almighty God of the Universe by Whom all things were made and are held together, the Creator who is so utterly "other" than His creation, how GOD can have a personal, intimate relationship with people who humble themselves and accept His grace to experience His very presence in their lives.

This went on for some 2500 words, or 10 pages. However, my little girl summed it up in this question. "How does God hold the world in His hands and live in my heart at the same time?". Amazing to think about isn't it? How does he do it... well, He just does. He's God, and you either believe it or you don't. The real question for us to consider is this - WHY? Why does he do it? Why does He even care about us? I'm not going to answer that. One reason is that I'm not sure if I can. But the main reason is that I want us all to think about it. He does do it, He does care, He simply... flat out... unconditionally LOVES us. More than that - He wants us to love Him back. Do you?


Anonymous said...

great entry, brod. great to have you back.

isn't karsy deep? wowza.

love you all.

hey, you should send a link to liam, he'd LOVE your blog.

David Warren Fisher said...

Welcome back, Brodie! See you at lunch time!

Fish (& Chips)

Terry said...

Dear Brodie...That is just beautiful!!
"Out of the mouth of babes"..
When I had my Sunday school class of three and four year olds, I was telling them the Christmas story one time and one little four year old girl when she heard the verse Matthew 1:23..."Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted, is God with us"....,said with excitment in her voice.."Terry that means Jesus is GOD and God is JESUS!"
I was so surprised at this little girl seeing the trinty of the Lord and yet there are so many adults who choose to deny it!!

Your little girl has this simple child like faith too Brodie.
God's blessings on your family....from Terry

I, for one am glad that you are back!

Anonymous said...

I'm a first-timer here - greetings from Finland!

Your precious girl sounds a lot like my Miss 6. She also is a joyful creature, with a GREAT passion for Jesus. And she has given me many sermons already - and forced my non-believing mom playing Daniel, Jonah and what ever :D She hasn't spared even her daycare group from her non-shakeable faith!

Good to meet you - and your daughter :)

jel said...

you have a smart kid there!

great post!
