Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I was filling out a form for Karsyn for an activity. After all the age, address, and allergies inquiries, the final question said "any further comments?". I couldn't help myself so I did comment further. I simply wrote this in the tiny space provided - "She's just absolutely wonderiffic!". What can I say? The gleam in her eye and the smirk on her face gives a glimpse into her charm, wit, fun, and overwhelming lovability!!!
The other day, after a particularly long and busy weekend, this 4 year old was able to do something that my wife and mother have thus far been unsuccesful at. She convinced me to take a break! We were driving home from church Sunday night and she asked if tomorrow was a "school day". I said "yes". She asked what I would do with her and her brother at school and mommy working. I replied that I would probably go to the church and do some work. She said, "Daddy - I think you should stay home tomorrow and rest." As soon as she said it I knew she was right, so I did it... and it was absolutely wonderiffic!!!


Anonymous said...

Brodie: Thanks for lunch today! Thanks for getting back on track with your blog. Now I don't have to bug you and Terry doesn't have to scold me for bugging you.

Hope you get in the front seat of my car and not the back. Ha! Ha!

the Barnabas Blog

Terry said...

Dear Brodie...What a little princess you have here!!
You and yoor wife are truly rich!!...From Terry

I will believe it when I see it that that David Fisher stops picking on you!
I just want to warn you to be very careful Brodie!
And if YOU do the driving forget about the back seat.
Just put that Fish into the trunk!!!

Anonymous said...

Brod, cute pic and story of should post the story and pic of the "Spotted Mummy Piggy"!!!